When the central bank wants to make money easier to get, it goes out into the market and buys securities. 如果中央银行希望使人们更轻松获得货币,它可以进入市场,买入证券。
Now, he wants to use money from the program to help restart the market for securities based on consumer credit. 目前,他希望利用该计划资金来帮助激活基于消费品信用贷款的证券市场。
They said enhanced money market funds – which normally hold some non-government securities in their portfolios to increase their returns – were facing redemption pressure from investors and were desperately seeking safe assets. 分析师表示,增强型货币市场基金面临着投资者的赎回压力,正拼命寻找安全资产。这些基金通常会在其资产组合中持有部分非政府证券,以提高回报率。
Money market funds would be prohibited from buying illiquid securities under the proposals. 根据提案,货币市场基金将被禁止购买流动性差的证券。
So regulators started to demand far more detailed data from banks, money market funds and other institutions; most notably, they now collect so-called n-mfp submissions, which contain the first granular data on individual securities. 于是,监管机构开始要求银行、货币市场基金和其他机构提供远比以往详细的数据;特别值得一提的是,它们如今还收集所谓的n-mfp表,其中包含关于个体证券的原始详细数据。
One regulatory proposal to deal with money market funds, originally suggested by Mary Schapiro, chairman of the securities and Exchange Commission, is for the funds to adopt variable pricing. 有一项针对货币市场基金的监管提议是引入可变定价法,最初由美国证交会(sec)主席玛丽夏皮罗(maryschapiro)提出。
Money market funds invest in highly liquid securities such as US Treasuries and short-term debt issued by financial institutions. 货币市场基金的投资对象通常是流动性较强的证券,例如美国国债,以及由金融机构发行的短期债券。
Money market funds is invested in short-term money market securities to a fund. 货币市场基金货币市场基金是指投资于货币市场上短期有价证券的一种基金。
Under this operation, the investment bank will make markets in foreign exchange, money markets, commodity markets, etc., and maintain a secondary market for previously issued securities. 在这个运作系统下,投资银行会变成外汇市场、货币市场、商品市场等,对于先前发行之有价证券维持二级市场。
More stringent rules to prevent runs '' on money market funds have been proposed by US securities regulators after the financial crisis raised concerns about a sector traditionally considered among the safest. 美国证券监管机构提出了更严格的规定,以防货币市场基金遭挤兑。此前,金融危机引发了人们对一贯被视为最安全行业的货币市场基金的担忧。
Moreover, the central bank will allow more securities companies to lend and borrow money on the inter-lending market. Five to six securities companies have received such permission recently. 此外,中央银行还将允许更多的证券公司到同业拆借市场上拆借资金,最近又批准了五六家。
Along with money market funds, these vehicles were among the most active buyers of mortgage-backed securities and other instruments that banks used to both shift risk off their books and pocket hefty fees. 与货币市场基金一样,这些机构也是抵押支持证券、以及银行曾用来转移账面风险并攫取高额酬金的其它工具的最活跃买家。
Financial instruments in money market include short-term, tradable, liquidity, and lower risk securities, the instrument of the money market is known as equivalent cash or calling briefly as cash. 货币市场上的金融工具包括短期的、可交易的、流动的、低风险的债券。货币市场工具有时被称作是现金的等同物,或简称现金。
The money market fund ( MMF) is the securities investment funds one kind, born in 1971 in US. 货币市场基金是投资基金的一种,世界上首只货币市场基金于1971年在美国产生。
Asset-backed Securitization ( ABS) is a multi-meaning concept. Originally, it refered to a financing means to issue stocks in capital market and money market, which is called the issuing securities. 资产证券化本是一个涵义广泛的概念,它最早是指通过在资本市场和贷币市场发行证券筹集资金这样一种直接融资方式,这种资产证券化又称为一级证券化。
Money Market Fund ( MMF) is one of the main categories mutual funds, it paid market-based rates by investing the small sums gathered from many customers in short-term market instruments-primarily commercial paper and Treasury securities and in large certificates of deposit. 货币市场基金是共同基金的一种,它汇集了众多的小额投资,集中投资于短期货币市场工具如商业票据、短期国库券和大额可转让存单等。